Monday, 25 January 2016

Chapter 16 : Interviewing The Wright Brothers

Look at the list of the words below. Find their meanings in a monolingual dictionary.
No. Words Meanings
1. an inventor : __________________________________________
2. an invention : __________________________________________
3. an airplane : __________________________________________
4. a tool : __________________________________________
5. in inspiration : __________________________________________
6. a helicopter : __________________________________________
7. a rubber band : __________________________________________
8. interested : __________________________________________
9. kites : __________________________________________
10. an experiment : __________________________________________
11. breeze : __________________________________________
12. soften : __________________________________________
13. a crash : __________________________________________
14. a flight : __________________________________________
15. a glider : __________________________________________
16. a design : __________________________________________

Jawab :
No Words Meanings
1. inventors : a person who invented a particular process or device or who
invents things as an occupation.
2. invention : the action of inventing something, typically a process or device.
3. airplane : a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater
than that of the air it displaces
4. tool : a device or implement, esp. one held in the hand, used to carry
out a particular function.
5. inspiration : the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something,
esp. to do something creative.
6. helicopter : a type of aircraft that derives both lift and propulsion from
one or two sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors.
It is capable of moving vertically and horizontally, the direction
of motion being controlled by the pitch of the rotor blades.
7. rubber band : a loop of stretchy rubber for holding things together.
8. interested : showing curiosity or concern about something or someone;
having a feeling of interest.
9. kites : a toy consisting of a light frame with thin material stretched
over it, flown in the wind at the end of a long string.
10. experiment : a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a
hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
11. breeze : a gentle wind.
12. soften : make or become less hard.
13. crash : (of an aircraft) fall from the sky and violently hit the land or sea.
14. flight : the action or process of flying through the air.
15. glider : a light aircraft that is designed to fly for long periods without
using an engine.
16. design : a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or
workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is
built or made

Complete the sentence using the words from the list below. You may need to use more than one word for one sentence.

inventors invention airplane
tool inspiration helicopter
rubber band interested kites
experiment breeze soften
broke flight glider

1. Wright brothers were great _______________________. Airplane was their great ______________________.
2. One of the essential ________________________ in the kitchen is a knife which is used in almost all cooking activities.
3. “Do you see that big H on the ground?” “That’s a spot for ____________________ landing.”
4. It’s bright, sunny and windy today. The kids must be very happy because they can go out and play ______________________.
5. The students are in the biology lab today. They are going to conduct an _______________________ with frogs!
6. I can tie my hair into a pony tail using a _______________________.
7. Some artists have different sources of _______________________ for their work. It can be natural scenery, traditional dances, people’s activities, etc.
8. When the ____________________ begins to take off, its tires fold up into their compartment.
9. I am not ________________________ in baking cakes. I like knitting better.
10. When the car hit the tree, the windshield _________________ into pieces.

Jawab :
1. inventors, invention
2. tool
3. helicopter
4. kites
5. experiment
6. rubber band
7. inspirations
8. airplane
9. interested
10. crash

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